Anyone going to meeting on Thursday?
This one is at Sky Ridge Medical Center in the Cancer Center Lobby at 6:30pm. They are held by Kelly Elliot (the nutritionist for Dr. Chae) It's free for Dr. Chae patients and ten dollars for those who aren't Dr. Chae patients. I used to go to these all the time but I was working two jobs and could never go because my schedule never worked out. Anyways..she has other support groups too for other doctors. I don't remember if Tillquist was one of them. Her website is All her support meetings time and places are there! Kerri
I'll be there! I love the group, I've made so many good friends there. And Kelly always has something interesting going on.
The topic is suppose to be Plastic Surgery, but last I saw Kelly she said she hadn't confirmed the surgeon to speak. So, it may be a free for all (which I personally love).
Hope to see you there - I'm the one with the frizzy red hair (my hair may of stopped falling out but it is still driving me crazy!)